
Internship/Research Round Table
  • Date: Thursday, September 23rd, 2021
  • Time: 5:30pm - 7:30pm
  • Location: EBS 2134
As an engineering student at WKU, you've probably heard that it is important to get experience in your field outside of the classroom. Internships and research projects are opportunities that offer practical experience in the real world. If you've never had an experience like this before or want to learn more, our Tau Beta Pi student section will be hosting an Internship and Research Round-Table event on Thursday, September 23rd at 5:30pm in EBS2134 where we will discuss the variety of benefits and considerations associated with internships and research. Please bring any questions you have about these opportunities and come ready to learn from our members' personal experiences. We hope we will be able to help ease some anxiety and confusion around these types of opportunities which are available to undergraduate students. If you are unable to attend in-person due to quarantine or being off campus, we would be happy to plan to accommodate you via Zoom.

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 Last Modified 1/24/20