Tutoring Submission Form

Take advantage of our Kentucky Gamma's free tutoring services for engineering students. All of our tutors have shown distinguishable knowledge through their experience taking the courses listed.


Please Enter Your First and Last Name

Please Provide the Best Email Address to Contact You

Please Provide a Phone Number for Additional Contact Info

Drop-Down to ME Courses

Drop-Down to CE Courses

Drop-Down to EE Courses

Drop-Down to EM Courses

Course Request in Format: # - Course - Professor (ex: 136 - Calculus - Name)

Please list two dates and times that will work conveniently for you. If neither times work for our tutors, we will contact you to find a time that does work. Please keep options within weekdays and within respectful hours of between 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM.

Please list a date and time of when you are most available.

Please list an alternative date and time.

Please leave any questions or concerns.

*** NOTE: Please understand that our tutoring services do take time to align and so we may take up to 3 days finding the right tutor. Also note that all tutors are still just students, and will not know the answers to all of your needs, but we will still sit down with you and attempt to resolve any issue.***

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 Last Modified 2/6/20