Philosophy on the Hilltop
Welcome to the Philosophy on the Hilltop website! Our name is very descriptive: we do philosophy (with pre-college students) on the Hilltop (the colloquial name for Western Kentucky University). We like to call ourselves "Philtoppers" to indicate our pride as Hilltoppers (the official demonym for members of the WKU family).
Each summer we will host the Hilltopper Philosophy Academy, a five-day philosophy summer camp for 9th-to-12th graders in the Warren County area. The camp will be free and open to all high school students in the area. Our second philosophy camp will be held at WKU on June 5-9, 2023, from 8:30-11:30 am. Check out the program here! Applications are due on May 19th, and we will admit students on a rolling basis.
Looking ahead, we aim to organize other philosophical activities for pre-college students not just on the Hilltop, but around the Warren County area - and beyond!
Check back for updates on our continued work to bring philosophy to Kentucky's pre-college students! You can also follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook.
The Hilltopper Philosophy Academy past and/or present sponsors include the Department of Political Science at Western Kentucky University, Kentucky Humanities, and PLATO (the Philosophy Learning and Teaching Organization). We are grateful for their support!