Pre-Service and In-Service Training Available from T/TAS
You have questions...T/TAS Specialists have solutions.
Let the highly qualified T/TAS at WKU Training Specialists bring up-to-date information
and best practices to your program leadership, as we work together to develop individualized
strategies and solutions for these issues and more
- Customized program roadmap planning
- Staff in-service/pre-service trainings delivered on a variety of remote platforms
- Need-based learning designed by you to engage in creative discussion and problem solving
NOTE: To ensure the health and safety of both our trainers and your program participants, PRE-SERVICE/IN-SERVICE training can be conducted via VIRTUAL PLATFORMS.
Not all topics listed below are available for virtual pre-service training. View our virtual training programs here.
- Administrative Requirements for Grantees and Delegates
- Conflict Resolution
- Davis-Bacon Act Requirements and Facilities
- Delegate Agencies
- Designation Renewal System
- Exploring Management Styles
- Facilities Development and Maintenance
- Going Green
- Leadership Skills Development
- Managing Daily Operations
- Managing Organizational Change
- Managing Stress
- Negotiating Strategies
- Orientation to Head Start for Directors, New Managers, Staff, Board and Policy Council
- Policy Council and Board Training Policy Council (i.e., Program Governance, Board Development and Training)
- Public Relations and Customer Service
- Succession Planning
- Team Building
- Time Management
- Community Assessment
- Community Partnerships
- Developing Program Work Plans
- Developing Your Program's Professional Development System
- Disaster Preparedness
- Eligibility, Recruitment, Selection, Enrollment, and Attendance
- Fair Labor Standard Act
- Financial Reporting
- HHS Grants Policy Statement
- Human Resources System
- Identifying, Assessing and Managing Risk
- Non-Federal Share
- Internal Program Monitoring
- Managing Fiscal Risk
- Managing Multiple Funding Streams
- Overview of the Head Start Program Performance Standards
- Performance Appraisal
- Program Self-Assessment
- Shared Governance
- Staff Selection
- Staff Supervision
- Strategic Planning
- The Improving Head Start for School Readiness Act of 2007
- The Mentor Coach/Supervisor
- Transportation
- Understanding and Preparing for the Federal Review Process
- Working with Volunteers
- Allergy Anxiety
- Avoiding Bloodborne Pathogens
- Child Abuse
- Childhood Overweight Issues
- Common Skin Conditions
- Communicable Diseases
- Culture and Health
- Effective Mental Health Service Area Plans
- Emergency Preparedness
- Health Advocacy and Wellness
- Health Literacy for Families and Staff
- Health Services Advisory Committee
- Medication Administration
- Nutrition in Head Start and Early Head Start
- Oral Health
- Social-Emotional Development
- Effective Home Visits
- Family Literacy in Home-Based Settings
- Health and Nutrition in the Home-Based Setting
- Introduction and Overview of Home-Based Head Start
- Managing and Supervising the Home-Based Option
- Appropriate Indoor and Outdoor Learning Environments
- Challenging Behaviors of Infants and Toddlers
- Daily Routines in Early Head Start
- Early Brain Development
- Early Literacy in the Early Head Start Program
- Emotional Development for Infants and Toddlers
- Infant-Toddler/Caregiver Interactions
- Infant-Toddler Program Management
- Integrating Health and Nutrition into Infant/Toddler Programs
- Services to Expectant Families
- The Role of the Caregiver
- Using Routines to Teach and Learn
- Anecdotal Notes
- Basics of Learning Outcomes
- Child Assessment
- Creating An Early and Accurate Baseline
- Developing and Implementing a Plan
- Incorporating Child Outcomes Indicators into Lesson Plans
- Developmental Domains and Classroom Practices
- Developmentally Appropriate Practice
- Early Childhood Curriculum
- I Am Moving, I Am Learning: An Introduction
- Importance of Play
- Individualization
- Integrating Health and Nutrition Education into the Preschool Classroom
- Lesson Plans and Learning Activities
- Math and Science
- Self-Concept
- Teacher-Child Interactions and the CLASS
- Activities for Language Development
- Building Vocabulary
- Emerging Literacy and Language
- Learning to Read and Write
- Working with English Language Learners
- Challenging Behaviors
- Effective Learning Centers
- Effective Monitoring
- Outdoor Learning Environments
- Playground Safety
- Positive Guidance
- Preparing for NAEYC Accreditation
- Room Arrangement
- School Readiness
- Teacher-Child Interactions
- Changing Demographics
- Creating a Family-Friendly Head Start Program
- Divorce
- Documenting Family Services
- Family Literacy Overview
- Family Partnership Agreement Process
- Father Involvement
- Five Key Parental Behaviors that Predict Success in School for Children
- Involving Parents in Outcomes
- Managing A Case Load
- Parent-Child Interactions
- Parent Support for Social-Emotional Development
- Re-Energizing Parent CommitteesIntegrating and Parent/Family/Community Framework Into Your Service Delivery
- Resolving Conflicts with Parents
- Setting Goals with Families
- Successful Transitions
- Teen Parents
- The Parent as Lifelong Learner
- Training and Learning Experiences for Parents
View the T/TAS Specialists and their fields of expertise.
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